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March 15, 2021 - What About CryptoCurrency and BitCoin?


March 15, 2021 Puzzle Piece

What About CryptoCurrency and BitCoin?

Many of you have asked me about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.  Especially the last few weeks.

I will let you know what I am doing but I am not pushing anyone.  

If you want to know more, contact a doctor friend that is my mentor in Cryptocurrency, Dr Marty Monahan, otherwise known as "Doc Bitcoin"

I've asked Dr Marty to share this platform that I'm involved with, only if you are interested.

Please  watch the two videos below so you have some insights on what is going on.  

The cryptocurrency is an exciting concept and is growing rapidly.  It has been very up and down.

I now approach It cautiously.  That is why I am using this company.

John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK

Be sure to watch the 15 minute video explaining  PGI  Bitcoin Arbitrage platform
Dr Marty Monahan


Great video on Cryptocurrency HBO special.


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