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Plus 10 New Products by Dr Harris for Methylation- Used In BIOHACKING FOR HEALTH

October 22, 2018 Puzzle Piece

All the toxins, Genetic SNPs, pesticides, artificial fertilizers, poisons, electromagnetic and other pollutions, including insults on our genetic code has HIJACKED OUR HEALTH.

Dr Patrick Porter, of BrainTap, will demonstrate how to Biohack for health, using the emotional side of health.  Drs John and Brett Brimhall will demonstrate how to use all Six Steps for Balance.

Dr Harris will cover methylation in detail at Homecoming 2019 TO ALLOW FOR HEALTHY BIOHACKING.  He will also present his research on testing and treating the body for dysfunction and how to correct epigenetic expression to improve many of these inherent and acquired problems.  He will do a three-hour workshop at Homecoming to demonstrate healthy Biohacking.   Today we will give you a very brief overview for this very in-depth topic, that has everything to do with having or not having health and wellness.

Methylation is a constant and vital metabolic process that happens in every cell and every organ in our body.  Life would not exist without it. These normal reactions occur billions of times every second, 24 hours a day.

It happens when one molecule passes a methyl group, which is a carbon atom, linked to three hydrogens (CH3), to another molecule.  An example of this reaction is when one molecule passes a methyl group to another molecule to make things like creatine, carnitine, CoQ10, phosphatidylcholine, melatonin, and hundreds of other life-giving substances.


Therefore, if there is a genetic SNP, or deficiency of needed nutrition or supplementation, such as the Vitamin B family, the body malfunctions.  This can be the underlying cause of many diagnosed diseases according to current research and understanding.  If we can improve methylation, we improve function and our level of health and wellness.  It is our job, as physicians, to work with nature to improve function, rather than treat disease that was caused from dysfunction.

Methylation is a form of alkylation with a methyl group, rather than a larger carbon chain, replacing a hydrogen atom.  The Methylation Cycle is a biochemical pathway that allows normal function.  Methylation is a process of controlled transfer of this methyl group onto amino acids, proteins, enzymes, and DNA in every cell and tissue of the body.  This process helps regulate healing, cell energy, genetic expression of DNA, neurological function, liver detoxification, immunity, etc.

This process is one of the most essential metabolic functions of the body and is catalyzed by a variety of enzymes. Case histories and scientific articles have demonstrated this methylation process is responsive to environmental conditions, such as toxic metals, organophosphates, infectious agents, and a wide variety of environmental insults. Methylation has many possible genetic SNPs and degrades further with age.  It is, therefore, associated with a large variety of dis-eases and age-related disorders.   In practice, we test generally for and utilize Opti- Enviro Detox and Opti-Metal Detox formulas in conjunction with Opti-Methyl-B.

Dr Harris has developed a very specific testing procedure of potential genetic SNPs and malfunctions that can be supported with advanced nutritionals.  He has studied and compared different tests, like 23 and Me in his research and development of a testing procedure and sequence.

The body and its methylation activities must constantly adapt to all toxic insults and life’s changes. The quality of life is highly dependent on the methylation process. Methylation is central to the biochemical basis of the neuropsychiatry of folate and B12 metabolism, which he will expand upon during his testing workshop.

The biochemical basis of the interrelationship between folate and cobalamin is the maintenance of two functions, nucleic acid synthesis and the methylation reactions. Methylation is particularly important in the brain. Defective methylation processes can lead to several serious health conditions. A simple abnormality in the methylation pathway, compounded with further assaults from environmental and infectious agents (including Borrelia), can lead to a wide range of conditions including miscarriages, fertility and problems in pregnancy, allergies, digestion, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurotransmitter imbalances, cancer, diabetes, abnormal immune function, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple sclerosis (MS), cognitive dysfunction in patients with dementia, neurological and psychiatric disorders, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Down syndrome, autism/ spectrum disorders , neural tube defects, and chronic inflammation, etc.

Royal Lee would be elated that the new multiple patented processes of OHS, allows for Non-GMO, organic, predigested, whole food nutrients to be used in each formulation. As an example, Opti-Methyl-B contains all naturally methylated B vitamins that allow the methylation pathway to be at its best.  It is imperative we take this nutrition daily to allow for optimal function.  There are no synthetic processes used and this formula contains MUCH LARGER DOSAGES of these natural B’s than any whole food formula.  In fact, they rival synthetic B vitamins in dosages and price, yet they are not only whole food, but also pre-digested with plant enzymes for further utilization.

Dr Harris and OHS have introduced 10 newly formulated products since Homecoming 2018. Many new and exciting formulations to be introduced and released at Homecoming 2019, including Opti-Heart, Opti-Lung and Opti-GI.  Their new manufacturing facility is now complete in Arizona.






This next annual 2019 Brimhall Homecoming will start your new year out right!
Doctor/Family Treating and Brimhall Certification begins Thursday, Jan 3rd from 6-8pm.
Classes and Workshops will start Friday, Jan 4th, 8am.



Click Here to Register for Homecoming 2019

The Presenters for Homecoming 2019
presenters 2019


Click Here For All Methylation Seminars

Yours in Health and Wellness,

John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator and Patent holder.

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