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February 20, 2023 - UPDATE ON: Long Haul Covid Treatment Protocol


February 20, 2023 Puzzle Piece

UPDATE ON:  Long Haul Covid Treatment Protocol

  I continue to get questions on the Long-Haul evaluation and treatment.  Let me answer and clarify the procedure for a more complete understanding.

It seems this infection has a stealth mechanism that hides its chronicity from the immune system and affects organs and systems undetected by the body’s innate intelligence until you make the body aware of this hidden degenerative process.

Dr George Goodheart said the body cannot fix a problem if it cannot find it.  For evaluation, we have found the best results by utilizing Muscle Response Testing with a Testing Vial Dr Marc Harris developed.  A quick overview is we make sure we have an intact muscle to test that is strong. We hand the Harris testing vial to the patient.  If they get weak while holding the vial, we suspect this patient to have long haul involvement.  Most patients demonstrate weakness to almost all muscles while holding this vial if they test positive to it.


Dr Harris has developed a Second Treatment Vial. You place one drop of this vial’s contents under the tongue.  If the suspected condition is involved, the muscles now go strong that had been weakened by holding the first (testing) vial.

The next step is to Therapy Localize (TL) the organs and systems to see if the patient goes weak again.  For example, if you touch the liver area and a strong muscle goes weak, you suspect there are residual effects from the original exposure of the Covid-19 virus that has set a long haul set of symptomatic expressions to the liver energetically.  If you TL the Liver reflex after giving 1 drop from the treatment vial and the patient remains strong, you suspect the liver area not to be involved.

Another example:  After giving the treatment drop and you TL the adrenals and the (now strong muscle from giving the treatment drop) goes weak, you suspect adrenal long-haul involvement.  At times, I have seen only one side adrenal or one side kidney involvement and sometimes they are positive bilateral.

We frequently find 3-6 areas of involvement by using this evaluation method.  We then treat the involved area with specific OHS nutrition, spinal adjustments, fascial percussion, lymphatic drainage, craniosacral, laser, detoxication and emotional support from the Feelings Buried Alive book etc.

I want to interject here, you have them hold the test vial the entire time of their treatment if it tests positive by making the strong muscles go weak.  You give them only 1 drop of the treatment vial under the tongue, which will strengthen the weakened muscles if long haul involvement is positive.
You do not send them home with a test vial, but you do send them home with the treatment vial and have them take one drop (only) daily, for 1 week.  They do not take anymore treatment drops for three weeks. Then have them repeat the 1 drop daily under the tongue for 1 more week.  You do this routine for 3-4 months.  Do not overuse this remedy.  One drop per day for one week should be adequate until the next month.

Treatment Continues:  We use the 5 Factors of Central Integration as the primary correction protocol with the color chart (eyes), tuning forks (ears hearing/vibration) and tapping (with the Arthro-Stim) the spine from C2 to Sac 2, using the narrow fork to treat each segment of the spine; and the wide attachment to tap all of the Bladder Meridian from 7c to S2, which communicates with the Bladder acupuncture associated points that communicate with almost all of the spindle cells of the body.

I will review patient treatment at the OHS Super Seminar in August to further help clarification.  In the meantime, please follow these instructions.  I am hearing of great success from those following the protocol and from the many patients I have treated with this persistent condition, following the above protocol.

We have used Opti-Immune VRLopti_immune_sm at one capsule two to three times per day with each patient that has COVID 19 in the acute or chronic stage.  With the Liver TL in this scenario, we would recommend OHS Liver-Kidney at one capsule two to three times per day, along with the other stated treatment above.  If the heart area Therapy Localizes (TL), we would test for Opti-Heart.opti_heart_sm  If the Lung area has a positive TL, we would test for Opti-Lung.opti_lung_sm  If the Eyes showed involvement, we would test for Essential Protect to strengthen the weak reflex and the eyes.  When the nutrition strengthens the weakness, we have found the nutrition, along with the other mentioned treatment, will assist the body in healing with its natural and innate capabilities.

The OHS nutrition however may be needed for three to four months to support the affected organs or systems.

Opti-Adrenal may be needed for much longer.  We have seen a high number of patients with adrenal involvement.  Adrenal support is necessary for structural and emotional stability.

At Homecoming in January, Dr John Brimhall demonstrated all of the structural, emotional, craniosacral, visceral adjustments or techniques associated with the protocol. He demonstrated treatment of the cranial nerve testing and treatment associated with smell and taste loss.

Here is an overview of the taste and smell treatment protocol:  The acute phase has caused loss of smell and taste in many.  This verifies the cranial nerves are involved.  Our experience has demonstrated many of the cranial nerves test weak when evaluated, not just those evaluated in taste and smell.  We test all 12 for evaluation and treatment with laser and nutrition after testing and putting on display.  The cranial nerve testing and treating protocol is available in the Brimhall Manual.

There are two cranial nerves that are involved with your sense of taste. Facial nerve (CN VII), more specifically chorda tympani branch is responsible for the anterior 2/3 of your tongue. Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) is responsible for the posterior 1/3 of your tongue. The Olfactory nerve (CN I) is responsible for your sense of smell.

Besides the cranial nerve involvement, many patients and physicians have documented, there are residual organ and system involvements after the initial infection.This residual is referred to as long haul covid.  Many of these symptomatic expressions seems to dissipate following this stated protocol.  Without evaluation of the causes of these many symptomatic expressions and dysfunctions, including emotional instability, they continue in the body for a very long time.

This Long-Haul condition can be involved in all ages and in conjunction with many other symptomatic complaints throughout the spectrum.

Yours in Health and Wellness,  
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK

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